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Welcome Back!

Welcome back to class!  I hope everyone had a wonderful (half) week back to school.  I just wanted to post about the direction we're going into for rest of this month.

January will see the end of our Industrial Revolution unit.  Students have been working hard learning about the changes implemented during this time.  Their summative assignment will be to create a newspaper article explaining some of these changes and whether or not the Industrial Revolution was really a revolution.  But more about that later.

I have set out the following lesson topics for the upcoming weeks:

  • 11/1:  Improvement of Public Health
  • 12/1:  Who Cares?  (Vulnerable and Poor Citizens During 19th Century Britain)
  • 13/1:  Law and Order in Victorian Britain
  • 18/1:  Who Rules (politics during this time)
  • 19/1:  Review Day
  • 20/1:  Summative Assessment and MLA format explaination/review
  • 25/1:  Peer Editing and Revision
  • 26/1:  Revision
  • 27/1:  Summative Assessment Due.  Introduction to next unit, World Development

Upcoming homework:

  • Tuesday, 11/1 (due Wednesday 12/1):  
After learning about the various Acts passed in the 1800s which led to better public health conditions, students will create a flyer for their town informing their fellow citizens about one of the following Acts passed during this time.  (Acts include:  Sanitary Act; Artisans' and Labourers' Dwellings Improvement Act; Public Health Act; and Food and Drugs Act.

Their flyers must contain the following information:
  1. The name of the Act
  2. The date of the Act
  3. What the Act involves
  4. How the Act will help improve public health in their community

  • Thursday, 13/1 (due Tuesday 18/1):
Review Take Home Exam

  • Thursday, 20/1 (to bring on Tuesday, 25/1):
Over the weekend, research your topics for  your summative assessment.  Start drafting your writings.  You must bring both your research and your rough draft to class on Tuesday, the 25th.

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