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Unit 3 - World Development!

Today was the beginning of our new unit on World Development!  Already we've had some agruments over which countries to consider "rich" and "poor".  As one could say, that's debatable!

We will be learning a lot during this unit, including how one can measure development.  We'll be looking at what development is, how to measure development (there are many, many ways), which countries are considered developed, what patterns o development exist (if any), what life is like in an LEDC, how people are connected in LEDC and MEDCs, and how people can help others in developing countries.

Some fun activities during this unit to look forward to:

1.  Discussion with a former NGO worker
2.  Mock trial
3.  NGO marketing campaign
3.  Mock international assembly to discuss the rights to water
4.  -Possible- discussion with an insider to water purifications in developing nations (stay tuned!)

!!!!!!!!   Tonight's homework:  Development Matrix

Students have been given a matrix of five countries (Japan, Brazil, Italy, Kenya and the UK) along with 10 criteria for measuring development.  They have been asked to go to CIA's World Factbook to find out information pertaining to each country.  We will discuss our findings tomorrow and analyse if this criteria really can determine (or help us determine) whether or not a country is developed.

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