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Homework Assignment - MYP assessed

!  Homework assignment due Wednesday, March 2nd!

This homework assignment will go into your MYP folders as part of ongoing formative assessments.  You will be assessed against the following MYP humanities criteria:

1.  A (knowledge and understanding),
2.  B (global awareness) and
3.  C (organisation and presentation). 

Your assignment: 

You have been learning a lot about world development in these past few weeks.  In fact, all of this information is helping you become a better educated global citizen. 

Part of our duty as informed global citizens is to speak out when we see an injustice.  It is, therefore, your assignment to write a letter to a newspaper highlighting the problem with unfair trade practices.  (You will not really write a newspaper, but rather, turn your letter into your teacher).

Be sure to include the key terms that you have learned during this unit.  Make sure you articulate the connections between LEDCs and MEDCs that lead to an unfairness in international trade.  Use examples!

Since this is an MYP assessment, late papers will not be accepted except in the case of an excused absence.

[For more information regarding the MYP humanities criteria, please visit pgs 34-37 at]

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