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Enjoy your week long half-term!  Hope wherever you go, the weather is warm and the sun is shining!

Good luck!

Good luck to all 9G students with their examinations during assessment week.  Our humanities exam will take place during 1st period on Wednesday, May 24, 2011.

Last unit of the academic year!

This past week we began our fourth, and final, unit of the academic year.  This unit will have us looking at Russia and the USA during the 19th century.  We'll be asking ourselves what it really means to be "free".  I'm very excited for this unit, as I hail from the States but also started my university life as a Russian Studies major.  I hope the students will enjoy the unit as much as I.

I wanted to post a link to the new film, The Conspirator.  It won't be released until 1 July 2011 here in the UK, but I wanted to give a headsup to any student who may really get into this unit and period of history.

MLA Citation and Paper Format Guide

I have already e-mailed you and given you paper handouts, still, I want to put the link to Purdue University's MLA citation and paper format guidelines here.


The MLA format is important to learn because it is the format required for the social sciences.  If/when you go to university and start writing papers, you will be expected to know this format.  We have already given it a go with your unit two summative assessment papers, so now let's make sure we use it correctly on our unit three summative essays.

As always, I am available for help Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays during lunch in the library but also after school in the library during homework club.  I am also available on-line, via e-mail, anytime. 

Reminder to students!

Friendly reminder that your LEDC journal entries are due tomorrow, Thursday, March 17th.  Your essay over the MDGs is due next Thursday.  We will use next Tuesday's class period to work on the essays.